Bathroom Bug Battle: Getting Rid of Roaches in Your Bathroom

get rid of cockroaches in bathroom

Imagine stepping into your bathroom, expecting a refreshing start to your day, only to be greeted by the scuttle of tiny legs and the sight of unwelcome roaches. Dealing with these persistent pests can turn your sanctuary into a nightmare. But fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll equip you with expert tips to reclaim your bathroom, and ensure a roach-free environment.

American Cockroach

Different life stages of Periplaneta americana

There are many species of pest cockroaches. More often than not, American cockroaches are the one that you are encountering in the bathroom.

The American cockroach is a formidable and resilient insect that often strikes fear in the hearts of homeowners. It can be found worldwide. While it is called the American cockroach, this species actually originates from Africa, traveling to America through ships and slave trades.

Due to its large size, swift movements, and ability to fly (or glide), this cockroach species has earned a notorious reputation. 

The unsanitary behavior of cockroaches increases the risk of disease transmission. In a bathroom setting, they may contaminate your toothbrush, towels, rinse cup and uncapped toothpaste.

On top of that, cockroach saliva, droppings, and body parts contain allergens that can trigger allergic reactions and exacerbate asthma symptoms in susceptible individuals. 

Why are Roaches in My Bathroom?

Cockroach invade bathroom through floor drain

Have you ever wondered why roaches find their way into your bathroom? Let’s delve into the reasons behind their presence and uncover the secrets of their unwelcome visits.

American cockroaches, known to inhabit sewage systems and drains, may inadvertently make their way into your bathroom. As they explore the sewage system, these resilient insects can enter through the connecting drain pipes. Remarkably, even if the passage is submerged in water, the cockroach can temporarily close its spiracles, allowing it to navigate through the water without drowning.

If your bathroom has a window that you keep open for ventilation, it can inadvertently attract roaches. These nocturnal pests can be enticed by the light emanating from your bathroom during the night. Seizing the opportunity, they crawl or glide their way into your bathroom, seeking food and shelters.

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in the Bathroom?

Dealing with cockroaches in your bathroom can be a nuisance. Many traditional solutions, like diatomaceous dust or sticky traps, prove ineffective in this wet environment. However, fret not! We have simple yet powerful methods that will banish those pesky creatures for good.

Use Anti-Cockroach Drain Cover

Ordinary drain covers often provide easy access for cockroaches. Opt for an anti-cockroach drain cover that automatically closes its holes when not in use, preventing roaches from passing through.

While there are many anti-cockroach drain covers available in the market, I prefer Green Drain. Green Drain allows water from the shower to drain, but prevents pests from entering your bathroom. It comes in various sizes to fit standard drains. Besides preventing pests, it also blocks bad odor from the drain that attracts pests, thereby eliminating flies in your bathroom.

Some drain covers use an auto-closing flap to close the drain hole when there is no water. It works well too, but it may get stuck sometimes. Another design has a water trap to block pests, which works only if there is water in the trap.

Clear Debris in the Drain and Floor Trap

Drain debris attract pests such as flies and cockroaches

Cockroaches thrive on decaying matter, including accumulated debris such as dead skin and hair around the floor trap. By regularly clearing out this debris, you make your bathroom less enticing to roaches, reducing their presence and potential infestations.

Install Window Screen

In certain environments, cockroaches may crawl into your bathroom through open windows. Prevent their entry by installing a sturdy window screen. This simple yet effective measure acts as a physical barrier, keeping roaches outside while allowing ventilation and fresh air.

Seal Cracks and Crevices

Cockroaches love to hide in cracks and crevices, because they feel secure and comfortable when something is touching their back. In fact, their growth and development are hampered if they do not have enough stimulation from touching their back.

Be sure to seal all the obvious cracks and crevices in the bathroom that the cockroaches can hide. By eliminating potential hiding spots, you remove their incentives to stay if they accidentally find their way in.

Pour Hot Water into the Drain

If you discover live cockroaches in your drains, an effective method is to pour boiling water directly onto them. The intense heat of the boiling water kills the roaches upon contact.

The caveat is, you may need to have an instant hot water dispenser so that you can get enough hot water before the cockroach runs out of sight.

Spray with Aerosol

Aerosol is a quick fix for cockroach issues

When you are facing a live cockroach in your bathroom, using an aerosol spray is a quick and efficient solution. Directly spray the aerosol onto the cockroach to kill it. The cockroach may run around erratically after being sprayed. Leave it for a few minutes, and it will succumb to the aerosol.

It’s important to note that aerosol sprays primarily provide immediate relief and do not serve as a preventive measure against cockroach invasions.

I recommend keeping either a Nature-Cide Aerosol or PT 565 Plus XLO at home. They are for such emergency cases.

Nature-Cide Aerosol contains natural ingredients including clove oil and cottonseed oil. It kills the roaches through direct contact. 

On the other hand, PT 565 Plus XLO contains natural pyrethrins that confer fast knockdown. It can also be used to flush out hiding roaches in cases where you suspect the roaches are hiding in cracks and crevices. 

PT 565 Plus XLO is more versatile than Nature-Cide, since it can be used for space spray to treat flies and mosquitoes by just changing the nozzle. On top of that, it also contains a synergist, making it effective for insecticide-resistant cockroaches.


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